Dear Fellow Motorhomer,
September and there are two new socially distanced GB Motorhome Tours taking place. Whilst travel remains severely curtailed, particularly so for continental travel, we are pleased to have two groups currently touring and making the most of the good weather the UK is experiencing. The UK Flamingos to Fossils tour is now in the north Somerset coastal resort of Porlock where their campsite is ideally located to allow for walks into town and along the coast paths.
Dunmore East Camping, Ireland 12/09/2020
For those on the Coastal Ireland tour they have now reached the south coast where they are staying at Dunmore East camping, which is within an easy walk to the picture perfect coastal village of the same name. They will shortly be making their way along the south coast to arrive at the famous ‘Ring of Kerry’.
Travelling in a motorhome remains one the safest forms of all travel in these times, where own motorhome facilities can easily be restricted solely to own use. Touring in a motorhome enables travel to continue with the absolute minimum degree of risk. If continental travel remains difficult, GB Motorhome Tours will continue to offer alternative closer to home tours to enjoy. Whilst we cannot offer the full range of included activities usually associated with our tours, we are able to offer all the organisation with the opportunity to travel in the company of like-minded people. With all GB Motorhome Tours one of our experienced Tour Director couples will be with the group from start to finish to facilitate the smooth running of everything.
A number of the 2021 tours released to date are now fully booked. As travel becomes more predictable there will be further tours added to the 2021 programme. Keep an eye on the website for further tour releases, also on our monthly newsletters where these will feature.
Along with the impact Coronavirus is having on travel through restrictions being put in place by various foreign Governments, whilst the UK Government continues to issue warnings through the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) against ‘all but essential travel’ to each of the countries it places on its quarantine list, it is important to understand the impact this FCO advice has on travel insurance. If choosing to travel to a destination that the FCO advises against, then almost all travel insurers will reject claims. Normally the FCO only advise against travel to countries when there is deemed to be a real danger to UK citizens choosing to travel in that destination. In the current situation it is very different, with the FCO advising against travel to countries that most would consider to still be safe. Countries like France, Spain, Portugal etc. are all currently listed as being ‘against all but essential travel’. It may be you feel these are safe countries to travel to, but do not wish to travel without insurance cover. For a good while it has already been possible to obtain travel insurance for destinations against FCO advice. This has been provided by a small number of specialist insurers covering this market, but these have tended to be expensive options. Just recently there has become a simpler option for continued travel insurance cover in the Coronavirus times. Mainstream travel insurers Staysure, have added an option to their travel insurance policy that provides policy cover for all European destinations regardless of FCO advice. The only restriction is any claim directly relating to the reason behind the FCO advice would be declined. In the current circumstances this would mean full policy cover for all normal medical and other travel claims, with just specific covid-19 medical claims whilst away being declined. This provides a good level of cover for those choosing to continue to travel, full details about this cover can be found at,
GB Motorhome Tours continues to monitor how travel is in all European destinations. This includes looking at UK Government advice, Foreign Government advice and obtaining information from many campsites and suppliers all across Europe. This gives us a broad picture of the ongoing situation and is used to gauge the possibilities & practicalities for offering tours; both in the immediate future and for the longer term.
If there are any questions you have relating to current travel feel free to contact us, our office remains open and we are happy to assist.
Even in these changeable times we look forward to travelling with you soon, whether this is on a continental tour or one closer to home.
Kindest regards,
Nurcan & Kevin, Sue & Ron, Liz & Dave, Cheryl & John
Your GB Motorhome Tours Team
0044 7481 479 057