
Here you can read some of our customer reviews from tours

‘This was our first adventure with GB Motorhome Tours and it did not disappoint. Our Tour Directors Jen and Brian were absolutely superb. Best wishes.’ Carol Fraser and Sheila Burn – Rhine in Flames – June/July 2024

‘Having been on a number of different tours with various companies, this was one of the best organised I’ve ever been on. Brian and Jenny went above and beyond to make sure everything ran smoothly. Extra activities were organised and all enjoyed. Nothing was too much trouble and I always felt included, even though I was the only solo participant.’ Helen Cartwright – Rhine in Flames – June/July 2024

‘This was our first proper adventure into Europe and the whole GB Motorhome Tours team made it a fantastic experience. From the pre-tour admin to the sites and route taken, these guys are definitely both professional and passionate about motorhoming. Our Tour Guides, Kevin and Nurcan were excellent and always on hand to help and give advice. We’ll definitely be booking another tour with GB Motorhome Tours.’ Mark and Diana Varley – Austrian Alps – June/July 2024

‘Another very enjoyable GB Motorhome Tour. A great group and thank you to Kevin and Nurcan for all their hard work.’ Peter Waudby – Austrian Alps – June/July 2024

‘Our first tour with GB Motorhome Tours and it’s been amazing. We enjoyed the whole experience with like minded people. Kevin and Nurcan were excellent, making sure we were all well looked after. The itinerary was interesting and varied. Thank you GB, see you again.’ Chris and Barbara Norris – Austrian Alps – June/July 2024

‘Excellent tour guides, well organised and planned. The itinerary was well thought out and covered everything we could have hoped for. We would definitely recommend GB Motorhome Tours to all.’ Mike and Sue Cuff – Austrian Alps – June/July 2024

‘Brilliant first tour with GB Motorhome Tours and looking forward to many more with next years already booked. Kevin and Nurcan are first rate guides, thanks for the unexpected surprises along the way. Excellent organisation and attention to detail.’ Bridget and Chris Neighbour – Austrian Alps – June/July 2024

‘The tour more than fulfilled our expectations, a very friendly group well gelled together. Outstanding scenery, excellent choices of meal venues, excursions and itinerary; a very well planned tour. Some not so easy driving but excellent rewards and views. Location of some sites was exceptional, memories to treasure. Thank you.’ Kay and John Lane – Southern Norway – June 2024

‘Thoroughly enjoyed our trip, really well matched group, everyone got along and was supportive. Michael and Sarita did a great job. They were perceptive enough to offer help and advice when needed without being prescriptive. Thanks GB and Michael & Sarita.’ Chris and Sharon Bradley – Southern Norway – June 2024

‘We went to places we would never have experienced on our own and saw the real Norway thanks to GB Motorhome Tours.’ Iain and Sue Munro – Southern Norway – June 2024

‘This was our first GB Motorhome Tours holiday which was well organised and thoroughly enjoyable. As a result we have already booked another tour for 2025.’ Liz and David Honey – Southern Norway – June 2024

‘Our first tour with GB Motorhome Tours but certainly not our last, a fabulous experience. We have seen so many of the wonderful sights of Poland, dined like royalty and enjoyed good company. Thank you Ron & Sue for a well organised tour and your guidance’ Ruth & David Hornsby – Poland – June 2024

‘We were very impressed with the Poland Tour. Beautiful cities, very friendly people and main roads were to a high standard. Ron & Sue looked after us very well and we would have no hesitation in recommending this tour to others’ Penny & Mike Summers – Poland – June 2024

‘Many thanks to Ron & Sue for another well organised tour, this time around Poland. Everything runs smoothly, coaches appear to take you to excursions, knowledgeable guides accompany you, many meals are included and we saw places we would never find ourselves. We did appreciate the way Ron & Sue looked after us’ Ann & John Edwards – Poland – June 2024

‘Felt very well looked after, tour leaders exceptional, calm and ready for anything, we have seen and done so much in Poland.’ Kate Boyd & Ian Davis – Poland – June 2024

‘Fantastic Tour which exceeded our expectations. Dave and Sue were excellent Tour Leaders who readily shared their love and knowledge of Greece.’ Rob & Anne Staite – Greece – April/May 2024

‘This was a very varied and comprehensive Tour which gave real insight into the Country, its history and topography. It was such a revelation to discover how mountainous the Mainland is. GB Motorhome Tours provided a well planned and diverse Itinerary with many Trips and opportunities for socialising at Group Meals. Dave and Sue (Group Directors) were helpful, patient and affable at all times.’ John & Gill Truman – Greece – April/May 2024

‘Our first Tour with GB – but certainly not our last. Tour Guides Dave & Sue were exceptional. They ensured that we all enjoyed and made the most of our time in Greece. A big Thank you from Will & Angela.’ Will & Angela Tuxworth – Greece – April/May 2024

‘Excellent Tour led by super Tour Directors Sue and Dave Stanway. The Tour covered many of the Country’s Highlights, but also many of the lesser known areas that we would never have discovered if we had been travelling independently.’ Val & Dave Ellis – Greece – April/May 2024

‘This was our first Tour and we have thoroughly enjoyed it. A good variety of visits, all very well organised. Sue & Dave did a great job as Tour Leaders.’ Bryn & Hilary Richards – Greece – April/May 2024

‘Comprehensive tour to see what Sicily has to offer, which is a lot! Very enjoyable with great Tour Directors.’ David and Jo Radford – Sicily – April/May 2024

‘Mountains and Mosaics, Taormina and Temples, Countryside and Coast – we saw it all. A fabulous trip full of unforgettable locations. All in all, a great tour, thank you.’ Sue Smith and Nick Powell – Sicily – April/May 2024

‘I really enjoyed the tour, with all the different places visited and the included group meals. I shall definitely be booking myself on another tour.’ Babs Hyndman – Sicily – April/May 2024

‘Our first trip with GB Motorhome Tours and it didn’t disappoint, thoroughly enjoyed it. Tour Directors Jane and Douglas have done an excellent job, very accommodating and kept us well informed throughout the tour. We would also like to thank everyone at GB Motorhome Tours.’ Yvonne and Gary Green – Scottish Hogmanay – Dec 2023/Jan 2024

‘Thoroughly enjoyed our Hogmanay trip to Scotland. Thank you to our tour leaders Jane and Douglas for making it such a wonderful tour.’ Cath and Paul Bendall – Scottish Hogmanay – Dec 2023/Jan 2024

‘This was our first GB Motorhome Tour and we found it to be very well organised and run exceptionally well by Jane and Douglas, who went the extra mile every day to make sure we all had a great experience.’ Peter and Denise Ford Scottish Hogmanay – Dec 2023/Jan 2024

‘Enjoyed the tour, for us it made a change not to be catering on New Year’s Eve and to have it all catered for us. A good group of people, we enjoyed their company. We were lucky with the weather enabling us to see the sights, and Jane & Douglas looked after us well.’ Pauline and Robert Hughes Scottish Hogmanay – Dec 2023/Jan 2024

‘This was our first GB Motorhome Tour and we were well looked after by Ron & Sue our Tour Directors. A thoroughly enjoyable itinerary with excellent food and good company. Better than we expected.’ Anne and John Rodriguez – Wonderful Christmastime – Dec 2023

‘Another excellent tour with GB Motorhome Tours, well organised. Paris Christmas markets were very good, Moulin Rouge very enjoyable. Epernay also very good especially dinner in the local restaurant. Thank you Ron & Sue for once again giving us a great tour.’ Helen & Alistair MacFadyen – Wonderful Christmastime – Dec 2023

‘An aptly named tour – Paris, Christmas Markets, Moulin Rouge, then Epernay with the Habits de Lumiere. A great tour, thank you Ron & Sue for all your efforts.’ Carolyn & Roger Metcalfe – Wonderful Christmastime – Dec 2023

‘The Cyprus and More tour was truly an adventure and we enjoyed every day of it, seeing much more of both Turkey and Cyprus than we could possibly imagine. Kevin and Nurcan were excellent guides who went out of their way to make the tour an enjoyable experience, even organising an optional trip to Istanbul. We would recommend the tour to anyone who wants to truly learn about the sites, life and customs in both Turkey and Cyprus.’ Howard and Margot Smith – Cyprus and More – Sept/ Nov 2023

‘A mixture of cultures, history and adventures on this tour. Taking your motorhome to places you never imagined you would go. Very much a driving adventure with beaches, forests and mountains thrown in. It’s definitely a tour to tick off your bucket list.’ Kim and Allan McKelvie – Cyprus and More – Sept/Nov 2023

‘What an incredible adventure, surpassed all expectations. Not for the faint hearted but Kevin and Nurcan led us on a trip of a lifetime; travelling to places not many motorhomes go. We loved it. Carolyn and Nick Griffiths – Cyprus and More – Sept/Nov 2023

‘Our second adventure with Kevin and Nurcan that took us out of our motorhoming comfort zone. We would not have ventured into Turkey or Cyprus without the support & guidance of GB Motorhome Tours. Highly recommended.’ Mike and Sheila Brooks – Cyprus and More – Sept/Nov 2023

‘Once again Kevin and Nurcan have gone out of their way to look after us. They gave 100% all the time and never seem to be off duty. This tour is not for everyone, but if you want to see the non-tourist side of Turkey and Cyprus it’s not to be missed. Many thanks.’ Howard and Yvonne Hogton – Cyprus and More – Sept/Nov 2023

‘Thank you John and Karen, we have enjoyed the Romantic Strasse tour. Good company, meals out, lovely scenery, pretty villages, Castles, beer festivals and dancing. We are pleased we came.’ Paul and Zoe Bennett – Romantic Strasse – Sept 2023

‘Romantic Strasse was wonderful varied tour with so much to see. The visits to Harburg and Neuschwanstein Castles were definite highlights for us.’ Jon and Gwen Plant – Romantic Strasse – Sept 2023

‘Favourite place on the whole trip was Fussen, Neuschwanstein Castle and the surrounding area, well worth staying. Our fellow travellers were all friendly and fun. Hopefully we’ll all meet up again on another GB tour. Thank you.’ Bill and Gell Knight – Romantic Strasse – Sept 2023

‘We would highly recommend this tour. We did the Rhine in Flames tour in 2018, we loved it so much we came again in 2023 and experienced yet another fabulous tour. Wine and music, beautiful scenery and many interesting excursions. Many thanks to our tour leaders, Jenny and Brian, who go the extra mile to ensure everyone has a good time, you do a great job.’ Paul and Zoe Bennett – Rhine in Flames – Sept 2023

‘Our first tour with GB Motorhome Tours, well organised and very enjoyable. Our tour managers Jenny and Brian looked after us very well, kept us informed every day and organised taxis when necessary.’ Jill Watts & David Colyer – Rhine in Flames – Sept 2023

‘Jenny and Brian made us feel very welcome throughout the tour, without being intrusive. We had a fabulous holiday and it has proved to be a brilliant introduction to motorhoming. Thank you.’ Nick Powell & Sue Smith – Rhine in Flames – Sept 2023

‘Excellent tour with brilliant lively hosts, Jenny and Brian. Lots to do, shame it wasn’t longer!’ Selwyn and Joan Green – Rhine in Flames – Sept 2023

‘A tour enjoying the best of Switzerland. Ascending mountains, driving beautiful mountain passes, lake trips and even seeing the traditional cows descend from the mountains. Well done Sue and Dave for a well put together tour. We would do it all again!  Ted and Susanna Brooking – Swiss Magic – Sept 2023 

‘A well thought out and executed tour. Some visits need a good head for heights, but the views are stunning. No hesitation in recommending this tour.’ Shirley and Dave Beck – Swiss Magic – Sept 2023

‘A very enjoyable and well organised tour led by Sue and Dave. The tour included many excellent trips that had been well researched and enabled us to explore the beautiful and fascinating country of Switzerland.’ Rosemary and Alister Watt – Swiss Magic – Sept 2023

‘A great tour of beautiful lakes and mountains. Roads are a joy to travel on and everywhere so clean and tidy. Dave and Sue took great care of us.’ David and Jo Radford – Swiss Magic – Sept 2023

‘This was our first GB Motorhome Tour and we thoroughly enjoyed the whole trip. Some lovely sites, meals and good facilities to make the tour a pleasure. Excellent tour leaders, Ron & Sue ensured our group was well looked after. Roll on our next.’ Penny & Trevor Pinder – Croatian Highlights – Aug/Sept 2023

‘Brilliant tour, surpassed all our expectations. Lots to do and see, and fabulous food. Sue & Ron were excellent, very friendly and marvellous tour hosts. Lots of unexpected extras.’ Elaine & Chris Holdsworth – Croatian Highlights – Aug/Sept 2023

‘We have completed many tours with GBMT and this must rate with the best. 13 varied meals, 14 excellent excursions, some by boat, some on foot and some by air-conditioned coaches. Ron & Sue ensured everything ran smoothly, nothing beats the value of experienced tour leaders.’ Ann & John Edwards – Croatian Highlights – Aug/Sept 2023

‘Our first GBMT tour which we found very enjoyable. We have seen places that we would not have visited on our own. It was lovely to travel with a group of like-minded people. Our tour directors, Sue & Ron were excellent. Would definitely recommend GB Motorhome Tours.’ Linda & John Grahame – Croatian Highlights – Aug/Sept 2023

‘A tour through beautiful and varied scenery with opportunities to visit places of interest along the route. Friendly and approachable tour leaders, Sarita and Michael, thank you.’ Jill and Jim Beeley – Scottish Highlands and Royal Deeside – June 2023

‘Solo or as a couple you can expect and will receive a first-class tour. Well led with many highlights and surprises to delight you.’ Alan Flux – Scottish Highlands and Royal Deeside – June 2023

‘Michael and Sarita worked very hard to give us things to see on each journey. They were great guides and made sure we were all enjoying ourselves. I recommend this tour for the short drives and super campsites accompanied with well chosen dinners.’ Rita and Rod Scott – Scottish Highlands and Royal Deeside – June 2023

‘We have very much enjoyed the tour. We met lots of lovely people and look forward to the next one.’ Julie and Keith Seddon – Scottish Highlands and Royal Deeside – June 2023

‘We would highly recommend this tour – it gave us a feel for the real Turkey and we were impressed by the friendliness of the Turkish people. The organised trips and meals out provided lots of variety and exceeded our expectations. Kevin and Nurcan were brilliant tour leaders, always available to give advice, information and practical help when needed. They were also excellent company, as were the rest of our travel companions. Chris and Ron Stableford  – Western Turkey – May/June 2023

‘This was a fabulous tour and a great insight to Turkey. Everything exceeded our expectations with such a variety of areas, trips and delicious food.’ Marina and Steve Harvey – Western Turkey – May/June 2023

‘A fantastic trip, every detail catered for. Excursion guides were very knowledgeable and the balloon flight in Cappadocia is not to be missed. Kevin and Nurcan are very welcoming, friendly and excellent tour guides, making the trip an unforgettable experience.’ Julie and Simon Farrimond – Western Turkey – May/June 2023

‘This was our first tour travelling with GBMT. We had a wonderful time exploring Sardinia with a great group of people. Ron & Sue were excellent group leaders and worked tirelessly to ensure a great time was had by all. We would highly recommend and we look forward to booking on another tour in the future.’ Debra & Nick Grace – Sardinia – June 2023

‘We fell in love with Sardinia and the local people on Sue & Ron’s excellent tour. Sardinia is rich with history, has a beautiful coastline with white sands and turquoise waters. We liked the contrast with the wild interior. Oleanders in pink and white lined so many roads and graceful flamingos were to be found in several lagoon.’ Anna & Steve Hardy – Sardinia – June 2023

‘A mixture of trepidation and excitement was how we felt when we started our first GBMT tour. We were soon made to feel welcome and felt very much looked after by Ron & Sue. Our Sardinian trip was certainly filled with interesting locations, excitement and laughter. We have made many new friends and will hopefully meet up with them again on another trip. We have booked a tour for next year already.’ Gilly & Geoff Moore – Sardinia – June 2023

‘An excellent, well balanced tour allowing us to experience the many aspects of this beautiful island. The tireless efforts of our tour leaders, Ron & Sue to make everything run smoothly is much appreciated.’ Vanessa & Adrian Smith – Sardinia – June 2023

‘This was a wonderful tour, blessed with warm sunny weather. The Tour Leaders Karen and John, worked very hard and made things run very smoothly. They also organised some additional optional trips for us. It was nice to meet up with old friends from previous GB Motorhome Tours. Looking forward to the next one.’ Peter Waudby – Southern Ireland – May/June 2023

‘An excellent tour which gave us a well balanced flavour of the Irish Republic. Our Tour Directors worked hard to ensure all the planned excursions ran smoothly and went out of their way to organise extra trips and events.’ Ann and Roger Taylor – Southern Ireland – May/June 2023

‘We have been to Ireland many times but this tour still took us to new places and we learned new things. John and Karen looked after us very well and we thoroughly enjoyed every day of the tour. They even booked excellent weather for us!’ Mike and Penny Summers – Southern Ireland – May/June 2023

‘Another lovely tour with GB Motorhome Tours. A varied programme of activities and friendly people.’ Tony and Margaret Clement – French Loire Valley – May 2023

‘A very enjoyable and informative tour of the Loire Valley. We enjoyed all the varied excursions, boat trips, chateaux, caves and local wines. Our tour Leaders, Brian and Jenny, worked very hard and were excellent company.’ Zoe and Paul Bennett – French Loire Valley – May 2023

‘Vines and wines, cheese and meals, caves and chateaux all made for a thoroughly immersive and authentic French atmosphere.’ Margaret and Joe Ratcliff – French Loire Valley – May 2023

‘A brilliant tour enabling us to experience the real Greece. There were so many highlights but it was the hospitality and friendliness of the Greek people that have left a lasting impression. Our Tour Directors Sue and David were excellent, always there to give advice, help and information.’ Phill and Trisha Barrett – Greece – April/May 2023

‘We found this trip very pleasing and relaxed. David and Sue looked after us all the way through, they were very good. Campsites were of a good standard. We made new friends again.’ Jackie and Mike Mant – Greece – April/May 2023

‘Overall we have thoroughly enjoyed our 2nd trip with GB Motorhome Tours. Sue and Dave were excellent Tour Leaders. We hope to do a few more trips with GB in the future.’ Sharon and John Morgan – Greece – April/May 2023

‘A brilliant adventure’ Linda and Mike Reading – Canary Islands Jan – Apr 2023

‘This was our fifth GB Motorhomes tour and second time to the Canaries. As always, the tour was well constructed, taking in mountains, seaside resorts, volcanoes, cities, picturesque villages, historical sites, wineries and much more. Add to this sunshine, good company, good food & drink, friendly experienced guides and you have the perfect way to escape the British winter.’ Jane and Douglas Marsland – Canary Islands Jan – Apr 2023

‘The only way to tour, with the best guides giving safety and enjoyment for everyone.’ Ken Starmer – Canary Islands Jan – Apr 2023

‘The organisation and planning of this tour was excellent. All meals were varied and very tasty and enjoyable.’ Pat & Robin Hatch – Magical Bruges and Amsterdam Dec 2022

‘This is the first escorted tour that we have been on and we really enjoyed ourselves. The organisation was excellent, the mix of activities and free time was about right. Thank you for all your efforts, much appreciated.’ Maggie & Mike Noone – Magical Bruges and Amsterdam Dec 2022

‘GB Motorhome Tours took us to places that we would never have imagined exploring in our motorhome. Meticulously planned throughout, nothing was too much trouble for our Tour Directors, Nurcan & Kevin. Many, Many thanks.’ Ruth and John Bateman – Cyprus and More Sept/Nov 2022

‘A very good tour, maybe not for the faint hearted. We felt like pioneering adventures, but always safe and secure. Top marks Kevin and Nurcan.’ Sue and John Bunning – Cyprus and More Sept/Nov 2022

‘The balloon ride was amazing. The tour an adventure we could never have done without the guidance of Kevin and Nurcan.’ Julie and Bill Hine – Cyprus and More Sept/Nov 2022

‘This tour is an adventure where you will need to use the facilities of your motorhome. Two halves, Turkey & Cyprus, then the two parts of Cyprus (North & South) both quite different. All excellently put together by Kevin and Nurcan, well done both.’ Carolyn & Roger Metcalfe – Cyprus and More Sept/Nov 2022

‘Great job Kevin and Nurcan. Brilliant organisation and a very interesting tour. Thanks for everything.’ Sally & Hugh – Cyprus and More Sept/Nov 2022

‘An excellent introduction to the glories of Northern Italy. Excellent meals and campsites in the main. Dave and Sue Stanway attentive and experienced tour leaders with lots of suggestions for additional activities. We really appreciated being offered pitches close to the facilities building.’ Roy & Kath Tipping – Northern Italy Treasures September 2022

‘Sue and Dave were great fun and led a really good trip around the cities of northern Italy and Lake Garda. They also managed to squeeze n a few little gems like Orvieto.’ Carolyn and Nick Griffiths – Northern Italy Treasures September 2022

‘Many thanks to Sue and Dave for their excellent leadership. Always on hand but not intrusive and very helpful.’ Peter and Barbara Ball – Northern Italy Treasures September 2022

‘What a delightful tour you have taken us on. We would not have done it on our own. Thank you so much for taking such good care of us. Lots of experiences’ Rosemarie & James Rowe – Croatian Highlights August/September 2022

‘This was our first GB Motorhome Tour and we had a wonderful time but it wouldn’t have happened had it not been for our great tour directors – Ron & Sue. We have been to so many lovely places, had lots of meals and had many hours of fun with our fellow travellers. Looking forward to our next tour in 2023’ Alison & Tony Watkins – Croatian Highlights August/September 2022

‘Fabulous Tour, We have had a great time and thank you both for all your hard work. We hope to meet up again soon’ Zoe & Paul Bennett – Croatian Highlights August/September 2022

‘We thoroughly enjoyed this Croatia Tour, our first with GB Motorhome Tours and we are sure that it will not be our last. Well organised Ron & Sue’ Barbara & Tony Houson – Croatian Highlights August/September 2022

‘Thank you for a fabulous first tour with GB Motorhome Tours, looking forward to many more, felt very looked after, you both do a wonderful job’ Sharon & John Morgan – Croatian Highlights August/September 2022

‘This is our first trip with GB Motorhome Tours. John and Karen made us very welcome. The places we visited were interesting and informative. We would be happy to travel with GB Motorhome Tours in the future.’ Keith and Julie Seddon – The French Atlantic Coast June/July 2022

‘We have thoroughly enjoyed our first time out with GB Motorhome Tours. All of the campsites and excursions were of an exceptional standard. Well done to Brian and Jenny for a brilliant tour.’ Sandra and Peter Head – Rhine in Flames June/July 2022

‘Very enjoyable tour. Jenny and Brian were so caring and constantly checking up on everyone. Highly recommend both tour and leaders.’ Sue Hickson – Rhine in Flames June/July 2022

‘Our first but certainly won’t be our last GB Motorhome Tours. Jenny and Brian were excellent Tour Directors and really went the extra mile to ensure everyone was happy and everything organised.’ Tina and Paul Ibbetson – Rhine in Flames June/July 2022

‘Rhine in Flames is a must; a fitting culmination of a great tour which was enhanced by our tour leaders Brian and Jenny who worked very hard to ensure we enjoyed ourselves.’ Noel and Kate Little – Rhine in Flames June/July 2022

‘Would we have gone to Poland without GB Motorhome Tours? – probable not, but so glad we came. Fabulous, this was almost a “half board” tour with so many meals included and looked after so well by Ron & Sue, Brilliant.’ Susanna & Ted Brooking – Poland June 2022

‘Our first time on a guided tour and we have loved every moment of it. Thank you Ron & Sue for putting together a brilliant itinerary and always being there if and when needed.’ Pauline & Gerry Gibson – Poland June 2022

‘Ron & Sue were again exceptional tour leaders making sure at every point that things were right for everyone. We were given the opportunity to visit a country with an amazing history, fully explained to us by excellent guides. We would recommend this tour to anyone interested in European History and we return home with a completely different view on Poland, and have enjoyed the journey immensely.’ Caroline & Ally Noble – Poland June 2022 

‘A tour is well worth recommending. The excursions were excellent with knowledgeable guides. Ron & Sue were always helpful and organised. The Poland tour has a big tick for GB Motorhome Tours, Thank you.’ Johann & Muriel Rowan – Poland June 2022

 ‘Ron & Sue led a very well researched tour of Poland. There were some real surprises – Malbork Castle and the Elblag Canal were unexpectedly wonderful. Another really terrific GB Motorhome tour.’ Kath & Roy Tipping – Poland June 2022

‘Beautiful scenery, good company and a nice leisurely pace to this tour. They all helped to re-awaken our love of Scotland, after an absence of too many years.’ Ann and John Edwards – Scotland Highlands and Royal Deeside June 2022

‘A well put together tour through the beautiful countryside of Scotland. It was great to meet up with some old friends and to meet up with new friends as well. A great tour.’ Mike and Penny Summers – Scotland Highlands and Royal Deeside June 2022

‘A fantastic tour in a fantastic country. The Turkish speaking tour leaders (Nurcan and Kevin) were brilliant. If you get the chance to take your motorhome to Turkey, grab it with both hands, you won’t regret it.’ Ken Starmer – Western Turkey May/June 2022

‘This was our first GB Motorhome Tours holiday and it won’t be our last! Turkey is an incredible country -so diverse – and it’s people friendly and welcoming. We cannot fault the quality of the programme and its implementation. From start to finish, Nurcan and Kevin delivered impeccably. They are both hugely knowledgeable, incredibly helpful, friendly and professional in everything they do.’ Chris & Elain Morgan – Western Turkey May/June 2022

‘If it is adventure, education & close encounters with nature and the local inhabitants, then this tour has provided it all. We have been so expertly guided to some of the most incredible places where we had the most knowledgeable of local guides. Whilst we have been on many GB Motorhome Tours and their content is always individual to their destination, the one thing that never changes and remains the reason for looking forward to the next adventure, is the sheer quality of their planning, preparation and delivery. Thank you.’ Clive & Sue Swift – May/June Western Turkey 2022

A great tour of Greece. The Greeks were very friendly & welcoming. The roads were far better than we anticipated with some spectacular drives on the minor roads. The scenic routes were beautiful. Springtime was a great time to visit as the wild flowers were spectacular. We loved the “GB Motorhomes” format of Group Meals & days out together sight-seeing, a great group of people on this Tour.’ Colin & Jane Young – Greece April 2022

A wonderful variety of Campsite locations and interesting days out. We learned a lot about ancient and modern Greece. The food was good and plentiful, the weather mostly sunny and the Greek people so friendly and helpful. Can’t wait for our next Tour in the Canaries.’ Jane and Douglas Marsland – Greece April 2022

‘Excellent group of travel companions and the Tour Guides, Dave & Sue couldn’t have been better.’ Ron & Chris Stableford – Greece April 2022

‘Our 2nd time on this Tour, with some variations on the previous one five years ago. Some fantastic scenery, great driving experiences, nice sites and excellent meals. Great to meet new people and catch up with old friends. Many Thanks to Sue & David, our Tour Leaders, for looking after us.’ Carolyn & Roger Metcalfe – Greece April 2022

‘Scenic, Adventurous, Fun, Educational, thoroughly enjoyable. Wonderful holiday expertly led by Kevin and Nurcan who go above and beyond to ensure all had a fantastic holiday, thank you so much. Each of the islands we visited had surprises around every corner. Highly recommend this tour.’ Bernie and Eddie McCaffrey – Canary Islands Jan/Mar 2022

‘Thanks to Kevin and Nurcan for a great trip. Covid did not stop us seeing the planned areas of the Canaries. To be able to see first hand the volcano in La Palma and witness the devastation it has caused was very emotional. Thoroughly recommend this tour.’ Sue and John Small – Canary Islands Jan/Mar 2022

‘What an Adventure – Thank you’. Douglas and Jeananne Somerville – Canary Islands Jan/Mar 2022

‘A very enjoyable and interesting tour led by the excellent leaders Dave & Sue. Although we know Scotland well, there were loads of new places to visit.’ Alister and Rosemary Watt – Scotland Highlands and NC500 – September 2021

‘Our tour leaders Sue & Dave were excellent throughout; supportive, well organised and with plenty of information to hand. The trip was interesting, varied and often wild & beautiful – such a joyful experience.’ Jean and Morriss Outen – Scotland Highlands and NC500 – September 2021

‘Very enjoyable tour – our first with GB Motorhome Tours and we recommend it. Your leaders Dave & Sue were well organised, helpful, cheerful & always available.’ John and Maralyn Price – Scotland Highlands and NC500 – September 2021

‘A very scenic trip of lochs, moors, mountains & coast. The tour was enhanced by the knowledge of the leaders Sue & Dave who were helpful, competent and friendly.’ David and Eleanor Tyrrell – Scotland Highlands and NC500 – September 2021

‘A great tour of the Highlands and Royal Deeside with great Tour Directors Karen and John. Now looking forward to seeing what tours become available for next year.’ Dave Angus – Scotland Highlands and Royal Deeside – September 2021

‘We have really enjoyed the tour. Itinerary was great, towns interesting to explore and drives offered amazing scenery. Best food on group meals we have had on a tour. John and Karen were wonderful hosts, we hope to do another tour led by them. Ally and Caroline Noble – Scotland Highlands and Royal Deeside – September 2021

‘A very good trip. John and Karen went the extra mile to cater for our specific dietary requirements. Sites were very good, meals out very good, planning very good and not too far to travel every day. Thoroughly enjoyable.’ Lynne and Brian Savage – Scotland Highlands and Royal Deeside – September 2021

‘A huge thank you to Karen and John who helped make our trip a big success. They went the extra mile to look after everyone’s individual needs. With thanks!’ Lin and Paul Squirrell – Scotland Highlands and Royal Deeside – September 2021

‘We’re coming to the end of our first trip with GB Motorhome Tours and what a great trip it’s been. Karen and John have been superb hosts, giving us just the right balance of help and advice – we thank them a great deal.’ Chris and Joe Peacock – Scotland Highlands and Royal Deeside – September 2021

‘We very much appreciated the professional friendly guidance of our experienced and knowledgeable tour host, Nurcan and Kevin. Our tour of Spain has been enjoyable and varied. Of particular interest were the excursions into the Monfrague National Park, Ronda and Madrid, all led by a host of informative local guides. Thank you for an excellent holiday.’ Simon and Helen Wood – A Journey Through Spain – September 2021

‘What can you say about a GB Motorhome Tour that hasn’t been said many times before! The attention to detail and personal interaction, coupled with an in-depth knowledge of the areas and places being visited ensures you get every opportunity to enjoy and enhance your touring experience. A trip with Kevin and Nurcan is a true voyage of discovery.’ Clive and Sue Swift – A Journey Through Spain – September 2021

‘A real treat after all the Covid restrictions. Well done Nurcan and Kevin, you managed to show us Spain in a greater depth than just the tourist spots. Some magnificent scenic drives.’ Carolyn and Roger Metcalfe – A Journey Through Spain – September 2021

‘This was a superb exploration of Spain’s hidden gems, as well as well-known features of the Alhambra Palace and Ronda. We travelled enjoying the company of fellow tour members. Kevin and Nurcan were perfect tour leaders in every way. We would strongly recommend this tour to all!’ Roy and Cheryl Clark – A Journey Through Spain – September 2021

‘We thoroughly recommend a Meander Around Ireland. Ron & Sue’s carefully chosen and diverse campsites, the stunning scenery, delicious group meals and extra treats made for a leisurely and very enjoyable holiday with time to explore on our own too.’ Susan & Peter Drake – Meander Around Ireland – September 2021

‘We have had a simply fantastic time Meandering Around Ireland. Ron & Sue were excellent company and great tour leaders, always available with advice and tips when needed. The campsites were in great location and we found Ireland very motorhome friendly and the people were very hospitable and helpful.’ Jane & Colin Young – Meander Around Ireland – September 2021

‘This was our first tour with GB Motorhome Tours and we were really impressed with all aspects of the tour organisation. We will happily travel with your again and will recommend the tours to our friends.’ Margot & Howard Smith – Meander Around Ireland – September 2021

‘Very many thanks for a brilliantly constructed Meander Around Ireland tour, a fascinating and very welcoming country.’ Penny & Robert Davis – Meander Around Ireland – September 2021

‘Many thanks for a tour that was carefully planned and informative around parts of Ireland we would not have found.’ Ann & John Edwards – Meander Around Ireland – September 2021

‘For our first GB Motorhomes Tour we were not sure what to expect – honestly, we had told friends and they had laughed about our ‘old people’s” trip! How wrong could they have been – we met interesting, fun and such lovely people – been chaperoned by two delightful guides, one an organiser who goes above and beyond, the other whose knowledge is like traveling with your own encyclopaedia! Jesting aside we have thoroughly enjoyed our first GB Tour – and watch this space as ‘we will be back’ and signing up for future tours. Many thanks’ Dave and Lyn Humphries – UK Fleeces to Flamingos – June/July 2021

‘Yet another fantastic GB tour. Liz and Dave went out of their way to make our stay both enjoyable, fun and informative. Dave’s amazing knowledge of all things nature added to our enjoyment with native walks and adventures even if we did get wet feet!’ Iain and Sue Munro – UK Fleeces to Flamingos – June/July 2021

‘It has been a really good tour. Meals were all excellent and as things are at the moment Covid wise very well organised. We would definitely like to do another tour with GB in UK as we are now not confident about touring abroad. Faced with the Covid restrictions Liz and Dave gave us a wonderful experience in the South West.’ Valerie and Phil Steele – UK Fleeces to Flamingos – June/July 2021

’The stunning Irish scenery and hospitality, coupled with the ability to interact with the group made our first post lockdown long trip truly memorable. Thanks to Ron & Sue for again juggling changing circumstances to deliver memories and experiences for all,’  Jackie & Andy Kitchin – A Journey Around Ireland – June 2021

‘In all the circumstances, this trip proved ideal. Euros, Kilometres and the Gaelic gave us that crucial continental air, we felt that we were abroad. Ron & Sue managed the campsites and meals brilliantly and smoothing our way at all times. The meals and venues were all up to GB Motorhome Tours standard and there can be no higher praise.’ Margaret & Joe Ratcliffe – A Journey Around Ireland – June 2021

‘A great trip around Ireland considering all the restrictions at the moment. We both appreciate the input from Ron & Sue, made into making this a memorable and sociable trip. We really look forward to next years tour.’ Sue & Al Colley – A Journey Around Ireland – June 2021

‘Another enjoyable holiday with GB Motorhome Tours. Ron & Sue worked hard under difficult circumstances to ensure everything went well. As we have come to expect, all the included meals were excellent.’ June & Graham Perkins – A Journey Around Ireland – June 2021

‘Forget breakfast at Tiffany’s go for Afternoon Tea at Atholl Palace! Imagine glorious carpets of Bluebells, endless Rhododendrons, Gorse & Broom; throw in a few Standing Stones, Castles (ruined or lived in), Scenic Lochs, Dramatic Coasts, Cliffs and Sand Dunes; plus many a wee Mountains and this was our Scotland Highlands and NC500 tour. Brilliantly organised and escorted by Nurcan and Kevin.’ Susanna and Ted Brooking – Scotland Highlands and NC500 – May/June 2021

‘Despite the restrictions of the Covid Pandemic, Kevin and Nurcan have managed to provide an all encompassing, friendly and above all, a memorable and informative tour. As usual their attention to detail is second to none and this stands out.’ Clive and Sue Swift – Scotland Highlands and NC500 – May/June 2021

‘Excellent tour with wonderful scenery and very well organised despite Covid restrictions. We were well looked after and given lots of ideas for places to see en-route and on site.’ Sue and Derek Davies – Scotland Highlands and NC500 – May/June 2021

‘There were different levels of facilities available but in no way did this give a problem. The tour was subject to pandemic restrictions but this had minimal effect on the tour atmosphere. So many thanks for a very enjoyable tour’. Barry and Di Short – Scotland Highlands and NC500 – May/June 2021

‘For us it was the first tour with GB Motorhome Tours. From all our heart we say it was the best holiday we have ever been on. All the 68 days, Kevin and Nurcan created a permanent state of safety and protection, for us to fully enjoy the entire programme of the tour. You can go to the Canary Islands on your own but I don’t think you will ever be able to feel, see, taste and enjoy so many things we lived together. We will definitely go on future tours. Very enthusiastic for our next GB Motorhomes Tour.’ Elena and Mircea Costache – Canary Islands – Dec 2020/Feb 2021

‘It’s been great to be able to get away safely in these difficult times. Ron and Sue have done a wonderful job to keep us safe and able to socialise with others in the group.’ Barbara and Peter Ball – UK December Get Away – Dec 2020

‘A quality tour arranged at very short notice. Some very good campsites found in the most beautiful locations. Kevin and Nurcan, as always, superb tour leaders, knowledgeable and always on the ball. Good to have Ron and Sue with us as well, excellent suggestions from them for side trips.’ Roy and Kath Tipping – Coastal Ireland – Sept 2020

‘We really enjoyed our time on the Coastal Ireland tour. Considering the difficult circumstances due to Covid-19 it was excellent, very well organised. We were able to eat group meals in some great restaurants and sample some foods specific to Ireland. The good weather was an added bonus. Thank you Nurcan and Kevin, we are so pleased we joined with GB Motorhome Tours, keep up the good work.’ Jill and David Earwaker – Coastal Ireland – Sept 2020

‘A different tour with the restrictions, but GB pulled out all the stops to make another great adventure. Thank you Kevin and Nurcan.’ Carolyn and Roger Metcalfe – Coastal Ireland – Sept 2020

‘Was the last minute decision to join the GB Coastal Ireland tour a good one? Definitely YES! Travelling around Ireland we were able to appreciate the very varied, dramatic and interesting scenery, knowing that our concerns with the Covid problems and restrictions was being looked after by Kevin and Nurcan in their usual very capable and relaxed manner. Many thanks for another very enjoyable trip.’ Stuart and Carol May – Coastal Ireland – Sept 2020

‘As always, very capably and entertainingly led by Liz and Dave who did a marvellous job under difficult Covid circumstances.’  Yvonne and Vic Romer – UK Flamingos to Fossils – Sept 2020

‘This is our first holiday with GB Tours. We have enjoyed all the campsites and places of interest. We must complement our hosts, Liz and David who have made us feel very welcome and have been there at all times to help and guide us. It has been very challenging for them with the Covid changing daily. However, Liz came up with solutions every time.’ Rita and Peter Barnard – UK Flamingos to Fossils – Sept 2020

‘This tour was completely different to all our previous GB holidays but still proved to be most enjoyable. Liz and Dave went out of their way to make the trip successful and we have thoroughly enjoyed it.’ Iain and Sue Munro – UK Flamingos to Fossils – Sept 2020

‘Our tour directors Liz and David were continually supportive, finding out local places of interest, buses and eateries and especially parking facilities for motorhomes.’ Chris and Wendy Farrer – UK Flamingos to Fossils – Sept 2020

‘Really good to have a tour organised at such short notice. Considering the Covid 19 restrictions Dave and Liz did such a good job. Should be so pleased to travel with them again.’ Peter and Mollie Fillingham – UK Flamingos to Fossils – Sept 2020

‘We did this trip 4 years ago and decided to do it again in 2020. It was still excellent. Kevin and Nurcan are the ideal leaders, so well organised. It was a shame the holiday had to be cut short because of Coronavirus but Kevin and Nurcan got us through it. We have lots of wonderful memories, had many laughs and made some very good friends. Can’t wait for the next.’ Wendy & Bob Usher – Canary Islands – Jan/Mar 2020

‘A fantastic tour with a great group of people. The organisation, support and professionalism provided by Kevin and Nurcan throughout the entire tour was exceptional but especially when we had to make a speedy exodus to get home before Gran Canaria was completely locked down. It is difficult to highlight one particular trip as they were all excellent in their own way, but for us the drive over the mountains in Gran Canaria will stay with us for ever.’ Graham & Margaret Smithies – Canary Islands – Jan/Mar 2020

‘We wondered whether 3 months in The Canaries would be too long to be away from home, but the time flew past. It was good to be in the company of others with an adventurous spirit. The climate was perfect for outdoor living and the gentle pace gave plenty of time for walking, cycling or just chilling in a reclining patio chair. Every move to a new island or camping location afforded the most incredible views. These included dramatic coastline, banana plantations, volcanoes and colourful Canarian villages. For us the highlight was camping far off the tourist trail, often with minimal facilities but always fully supported. The sense of freedom and connection with Nature was magical.’ Anna Billings and Steve Hardy – Canary Islands – Jan/Mar 2020

‘What can we say it really was a fantastic tour – the group meals superb, all our fellow travellers very kind, Kevin and Nurcan went above all to help us. Thanks to all.’ Brian and Barbara Fletcher – Canary Islands – Jan/Mar 2020

‘Thank you for an excellent tour, it was everything we had hoped for and come to expect from GB Motorhome Tours.’ Clive & Sue Swift – Christmas Extravaganza – Dec 2019

‘Thank you Chris and Alan for another excellent tour all perfectly organised as usual. We enjoyed it very much and look forward to travelling with GB Motorhome Tours again.’ Lavinia & Mike George – Christmas Extravaganza – Dec 2019

‘We have been on many tours but this was our first with GB Motorhome Tours and it more than satisfied our expectations. The countries and routes travelled were well chosen and activities well organised, Leadership was first class and as such made for a happy holiday.’ Barry & Di Short – Romania & Bulgaria – Sept/Oct 2019

‘Very different, and very interesting countries, which is what we were hoping to experience and we weren’t disappointed. Bring your appetite to this tour! Have already booked our next trip with GB Motorhome Tours.’ Pete & Di Saunders – Romania & Bulgaria – Sept/Oct 2019

‘A tour of contrasts, beautiful beaches, spectacular scenery, with some great driving routes. All ably led by Ron & Sue – thank you both.’ Carolyn & Roger Metcalfe – Sardinia – Sept 2019

‘Thank you Ron & Sue for a most enjoyable tour of Sardinia. GB Motorhome Tours certainly take you to great places and give you experiences that you could not get if travelling alone. This was our 5th tour with the company and we are looking forward to the next.’ June & Graham Perkins – Sardinia – Sept 2019

‘Our first tour with GB Motorhome Tours and we have really enjoyed it. Everything was organised and we have certainly seen a lot of Sardinia. We will return.’ Michele & Paul Steele – Sardinia – Sept 2019

‘Interesting tour and lots of places to see. Tour leaders very helpful. Thank you for another good trip.’ Muriel & Eddie Gee – Sardinia – Sept 2019

‘This tour showed us the best of Switzerland. It really did show us some of the Swiss Highlights and took us to places we would never have gone to on our own. A truly magical experience.’  Mike and Penny Summers – Swiss Magic – Sept 2019

‘This tour really was magic! We ventured on trips we would never have contemplated on our own and enjoyed such an amazing experience from places like the top of the Jungfrau. The organisers Alan & Chris did their usual superb job of looking after us.’  Ann & John Edwards – Swiss Magic – Sept 2019

‘Our first time with GB Motorhome Tours and it will not be our last. The tour leaders were first class – efficient, helpful and knowledgeable.  Many thanks.’ Peter & Denise Ranger – Swiss Magic – Sept 2019

‘Enjoyed our first trip with GB Motorhome Tours very much.  More relaxed holiday than we have experienced in the past with other companies and plenty of knowledge and information at the tour leaders fingertips for individual trips in our own time.’  Thelma & Clive Winter – Swiss Magic – Sept 2019

‘Having been on a number of GB Motorhome tours and loved all, this was the first on my own. I felt safe & comfortable and was made to feel part of the group. The tour was brilliant and thanks for a great time – looking forward to my next one.’ Barbara Hyndman – Baltic States – June/July 2019

‘Thank you Kevin & Nurcan for a wonderful and memorable Baltic States tour. We appreciate all the hard work that goes into arranging these tours, thank you for going the extra mile to ensure everyone was thought of as individuals. We’d recommend GB Motorhome Tours to anybody who’d care to venture abroad.’ Mair & Nye Thomas – Baltic States – June/July 2019

‘Thank you Nurcan & Kevin for an excellent tour. We have learnt so much about the history and culture of the Baltic States. The Song and Dance festivals were amazing. Sue & John Small – Baltic States – June/July 2019

‘We learnt so much about the history of these three emerging countries and all the meals were excellent. One of the most enjoyable tours we have done.’ Tom & Eileen Reston – Baltic States – June/July 2019

‘A brilliant tour with an excellent mix of activities, some we would never have chosen to do ourselves, all thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks Alan & Chris for making it special.  All the best’ Gill and John Kirk – An Atlantic Coast Adventure – June 2019

‘Our first ever group trip, never disappointed. We loved every minute. A great group of people. Thank you Alan & Chris for all your hard work.’ Nina and Michael Atkin – An Atlantic Coast Adventure – June 2019

‘This was a very enjoyable well organised tour with lots of interesting places to visit. The tour leaders, Alan & Chris, couldn’t do enough for you – they were so helpful.’  Yvonne Romer – An Atlantic Coast Adventure – June 2019

‘Thank you Liz and Dave- a well researched and organised tour. You gave us an insight into a country we know little about but to which we hope to return.’ Barbara and John Harrison – Southern Norway – June 2019

‘Thank you Liz and Dave for an excellent tour. Norway was stunning- even when it rains. What a beautiful country we went to and saw so many wonderful and interesting places with you both as tour leaders. We look forward to travelling with GB Motorhome Tours again soon.’ Lavinia and Mike George – Southern Norway – June 2019

‘Another great GB Tour – we loved Norway. Fantastic scenery, probably the most beautiful country we have ever visited. Good roads and transport system, friendly locals and excellent company. An all round wonderful experience.’ Joy and Dennis CoffinSouthern Norway – June 2019

‘Southern Norway was our first GB Motorhome Tour but it won’t be our last. In fact we’ve already booked two more! We fully understand the meaning of breath-taking scenery after our trip. We will never forget the white veins of Norway. Lots of laughs (despite the rain) from start to finish. Thank you Liz and Dave’ Carolyn and Nick Griffiths – Southern Norway – June 2019

‘A well organised tour, taking in the beautiful Bavarian countryside – mountains, villages & lakes. The guided visits enabled us to enjoy and appreciate the different aspects of Bavarian history and culture. A big thank you to Sue & Ron, our tour directors, nothing was too much trouble’ Jill and Jim Beeley – Southern Bavaria – June 2019

‘Bavaria ticked all the boxes, this tour was exactly what we expected.’ Kristin and Roger – Southern Bavaria – June 2019

‘As always Chris and Alan have gone the extra mile to make GB Motorhome Tours the best in the industry. Thank you both yet again.’ Iain and Sue Munro – Undiscovered Spain & Portugal – May 2019

‘Solo or as a couple you can expect and will receive a first class tour with a great many highlights and surprises to delight you.’ Alan Flux – Undiscovered Spain & Portugal – May 2019

‘An excellent insight into Northern Spain & Portugal ably led by Alan and Chris.’ Sue and Derek Davies – Undiscovered Spain & Portugal – May 2019

‘Did this tour tick all the boxes? You bet!! Led by the lovely Liz and Dave (whose Duracell batteries went on and on) we fell totally in love with Greece. Stunning mountain scenery and remote villages where we received welcoming gifts from the locals, to beautiful coastal scenes. Brilliant tour all round. Thank you GBMT’ Ted and Susanna Brooking – Greece – April/May 2019

‘As a newcomer to GB Tours I would just like to say what a great experience the Greek trip has been. A really well balanced tour with ‘something for everyone’ – family run sites with a friendly Greek welcome, knowledgeable and interesting guides, varied menus for our set meals and of course stunning scenery. Thanks to our excellent Tour Leaders. Here’s to the next trip!’ Margaret Burdett – Greece – April/May 2019

‘A very enjoyable an interesting tour led by our Tour Directors Liz and Dave who looked after us very well. We visited some wonderful places, drove along beautiful flower filled scenic mountain and coastal roads and were made very welcome by the Greek people.’ Jenny and Arthur Vowden – Greece – April/May 2019

‘GB Motorhome Tours was an excellent choice for our first motorhome group. It has been a well organised and well balanced trip. The included meals which have all been very good were a bonus. Liz and Dave have been excellent tour leaders and we have enjoyed the company of both them and the group. We would definitely recommend GBMT.’ Shelia and Alan Sides – Greece – April/May 2019

‘This is a first class trip for a beginner as well as an experienced motorhomer. Ron & Sue are excellent tour guides with nothing too much trouble for them to make sure you have a great holiday.’ Angela & Steve Denny – Springtime in Holland – April 2019

‘Great trip, great company and great organisation. Thanks to Ron & Sue – thoroughly enjoyed’ Gerry & Irena Bevan – Springtime in Holland – April 2019

‘Delighted to have joined this tour, we were extremely well looked after by Ron & Sue and we can’t believe how much we have seen in such a short time with very little effort to be made by us personally’ Eddie & Muriel Gee – Springtime in Holland – April 2019

‘What a fabulous adventure. A remarkable journey of discovery with an eye opening experience with every twist and turn in the roads. Away from the normal tourist routes what the islands have to offer both culturally and geographically is something not to be missed. The warmth and consideration of the tour leaders cannot be overstated.’ Sue and Al Colley – Canary Islands – Jan to April 2019

‘My first time with GB Motorhome Tours. I’m a single person and was made to feel very welcome, not only by Nurcan and Kevin who were superb tour leaders but by everyone on the tour. If your single don’t be afraid ‘Go For It’, you will not regret it. Roll on the next one.’ Ken Starmer – Canary Islands – Jan to April 2019

‘Kevin and Nurcan have really looked after us, they were always there to help if needed and to give guidance as required but never pushy. The trip took us to places we would never have seen on our own and to places we never wanted to see . We have really enjoyed the trip and would not hesitate to book another trip with them. So many thanks.’ Howard and Yvonne Hogton – Canary Islands – Jan to April 2019

‘A thoroughly interesting tour comprising warm weather, seasides, rain forests, mountains, cities, amazing landscapes, history and much more. Led by friendly, experienced and knowledgeable guides. A good mixture of free time and organised days out. A great experience.’ Jane and Douglas Marsland – Canary Islands – Jan to April 2019

‘Wow, what a way to start the New Year, This tour exceeded our expectation, a tour hard to beat. Thank you Chris and Alan, excellent Tour Directors.’ Susanna and Ted Brooking – Switzerland for New Year – Dec 2018/Jan 2019

‘We had a superb trip with great guides, Alan and Chris. Lots of lovely meals and après-ski evenings. The cable car ride to the Schilthorn with fantastic views in perfect weather was the highlight. Many thanks.’ Pete and Barbara Ball Switzerland for New Year – Dec 2018/Jan 2019

‘Overall a really unforgettable tour, one of the best we have been on. Well planned with excellent meals, the New Year festivities were amazing.’ Maggie and Peter Lillywhite – Switzerland for New Year – Dec 2018/Jan 2019

‘Our first trip with you but definitely not our last. Your passion is infectious. We felt like special guests and Sicily really delivered’ Anna Billings & Steve Hardy – Sicily – Sept/Oct 2018

‘The tour was a real eye-opener to travellers who thought they knew Italy. Very different culture from the mainland with really good local food and wine. Many superb historical sites. Nurcan & Kevin were excellent leaders, again with a very good knowledge of the island. A thoroughly good tour from beginning to end. Roy & Kath Tipping – Sicily – Sept/Oct 2018

‘This has been our first trip with GB Motorhome Tours and we have been most impressed by their commitment, leadership and attention to detail. Their passion for touring and discovering places of interest makes their holidays an enjoyable and memorable experience. Thank you Kevin & Nurcan, you went the extra mile for us’ Clive & Sue Swift – Sicily – Sept/Oct 2018

‘Fantastic tour of Sicily visiting many interesting sites and sampling plenty of Sicilian food and wine. Kevin & Nurcan looked after us very well, always on hand to help if needed’ Sue & Derek Davies – Sicily – Sept/Oct 2018

‘Fantastic tour, far exceeded our expectations. Our hosts, Sue & Ron did a great job looking after us all, nothing was ever too much trouble’ Caroline & Ally Noble – Croatian Highlights – September 2018

‘Sue & Ron are two tour directors who are dedicated to their work. Their patients, humour and understanding during the tour made it a pleasure to travel with them. Thank you’ Sheila & Bob Stewart – Croatian Highlights – September 2018

‘We have really enjoyed the Croatian Highlights tour and would recommend it. We have seen wonderful places and have met a lovely group of people. Tour guides Ron & Sue have been marvellous’ Arlene & Kevin Wilde – Croatian Highlights – September 2018

‘Another great tour, our 12th, well done and thank you Ron & Sue for guiding us around Croatia’ Judith & Richard Gembarski – Croatian Highlights – September 2018

‘What a Tour for First Timers. Alan & Chris’ knowledge of the areas was fantastic and on our own we would never have seen and done so many wonderful things. Thanks for everything and bring on the next tour’ Val & Phil Steel – Czech Republic, Slovakia & Hungary – September 2018

‘A well researched trip. We enjoyed seeing and doing things that would not be easy (if at all) to organise yourself.  Action packed but with time to relax too.  Alan & Chris made everything work with good humour and a wealth of experience’ David & Jo Radford – Czech Republic, Slovakia & Hungary – September 2018

‘We particularly enjoyed the “Surprise Events” and thank you both for looking after us all so well’ Maddie & Carl Fuller – Czech Republic, Slovakia & Hungary – September 2018

‘Having had our motorhome only 8 weeks, never taken it abroad we were a little worried but this was an excellent tour with first class Tour Directors. Thank you so much, we enjoyed our Rhine in Flames Spectacular tour which did end in a spectacular firework display. We now look forward to our next tour with GB motorhome Tours to the Canary Islands in January’ Jennie & Pete Clipstone – Rhine in Flames – September 2018

‘This was our first GB Motorhome tour and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Our Tour Directors Nurcan and Kevin were fabulous, friendly and knowledgeable. We met a lovely group of people and had loads of fun. We will definitely use GB Motorhome Tours again’ Linda & Peter Ross – Rhine in Flames – September 2018

‘We had an enjoyable 10 days with excellent company. A well organised tour with a good balance of excursions and rest days. Well done to our Tour Directors Nurcan and Kevin, we look forward to seeing them again on another tour’ Paul & Zoe Bennett – Rhine in Flames – September 2018

‘Well researched tour with nothing too much trouble for the leaders. Interesting mix of visits with excellent guides. The Polish food was plentiful, tasty and well presented’ Barbara & Peter Ball – Poland – June/July 2018

‘Excellent tour, we feel that we have covered Poland in one hit.’ Lyn & Geoff Holyoake – Poland – June/July 2018

‘Our first organised tour, from the first we were welcomed by Ron and Sue and gradually met others in the group everyone got on well and Ron and Sue were so helpful all through the tour. We enjoyed the guided tours and saw more than we would by ourselves and also enjoyed the light lunches. We have just had the lovely farewell dinner and booked another tour.’ Gail and Graham Thomas – Poland – June/July 2018

‘An excellent tour with many points of interest. For us the highlight of the tour was the Puy du Fou and the evening performance of “La Cinéscénie’ the biggest light-show in the world – it was stunning and the memories of this will stay with us forever.’ – Mike and Penny Summers – An Atlantic Coast Adventure – June/July 2018

‘Thank you Chris and Alan for another fantastic trip, we enjoyed it very much, everything efficiently organised as usual. The highlight of this tour was the Puy du Fou – Brilliant Show.  We look forward to travelling with GB Motorhome Tours again soon.’ Mike & Lavinia George – An Atlantic Coast Adventure – June/July 2018

‘We have very much enjoyed the Atlantic Coast Adventure with tour guides Alan & Chris and a lovely group of people.  Our only regret being;  we should have started doing these tours 20 years ago.’ Peter & Alice Garioch – An Atlantic Coast Adventure – June/July 2018

‘A truly excellent mixture of tours, excursions and free time with some superb meals, introducing us to the local cuisine. Well done Chris and Alan for an excellent tour.’ Elizabeth and Mike Austen – An Atlantic Coast Adventure – June/July 2018

‘We both thoroughly enjoyed the holiday and had some wonderful times which will linger in our memories for a long-time. Both Sue and Eddie were brilliant hosts, well organised and always there to help and advise. The fantastic weather and very sociable fellow motorhomers made it so special. Many Thanks’ Sheila and Stuart Carley – Emerald Ireland – June 2018

‘This was our 24th tour with GB tours and as always, we found ourselves going to places we would never have found on our own. Our leaders Liz and Dave took good care of us all.’ Geoff and Margaret Cotton – Delightful Denmark – June 2018

‘Another great tour with GB. Thank you Liz and Dave for leading us on a merry trip through truly delightful Denmark.’ Richard and Judi Gembarski – Delightful Denmark – June 2018

‘An excellent introduction to a new country for us with a good variety of excursions to places of interest. Liz and Dave are very attentive leaders who work hard to enhance the holiday.’ Hilary and Andrew Wilson – Delightful Denmark – June 2018 

‘Thanks Liz and Dave – you worked far too hard! Never felt better looked after on a tour.’ Dave Ward – Delightful Denmark – June 2018

‘Thank you Kevin and Nurcan for a great holiday – our first with GB Motorhome Tours but it will not be our last!’ Jane and Peter Miller – Austrian Alps – May 2018

‘Another well organised tour with GB Motorhome Tours. With good leaders and company we wanted it to go on longer. We look forward to more tours with them.’ June and Graham Perkins – Austrian Alps – May 2018 

‘Another well planned tour with a variety of different experiences and activities enabling us to enjoy the beauty of the Austrian Alps. Thank you Nurcan and Kevin.’ Jill and Jim Beeley – Austrian Alps – May 2018 

‘Thanks Kevin & Nurcan – great trip – see you again soon.’ Marion and Derek Wall – Austrian Alps – May 2018 

‘We would never have found the wonderful places Alan & Chris took us to. All we had to do was plug in the co-ordinates and head for another beautiful stopover. The whole trip was totally stress-free and absolutely brilliant. Thanks, we are ready to book another. Moyra and Stuart Hirst – Mosel & Rhine Discovery Tour – May 2018

‘Down the Mosel and up the Rhine; Castles, Cathedrals & Riesling wine. The Royal wedding party, a boat cruise and lots of laughter- Alan & Chris could do no more on our first GB Motorhome discovery tour’ – Clive and Lynn Scholefield – Mosel & Rhine Discovery Tour – May 2018

‘We were taken to places the package tourist would never see, an experience not to be missed. As promised the winter sun and temperatures didn’t disappoint’ – Claire and Derek Garston – Canary Islands – Jan/April 2018

‘Well researched tour to Islands you wouldn’t tour on your own. Don’t just dream of the adventure, Do it, Book it.’ – Bob & Gwen Flann – Canary Islands – Jan/April 2018

‘Adventurous driving through beautiful scenery on a varied and well planned itinerary; all you could wish for to see the real Canary Islands. Kevin and Nurcan’s extensive knowledge gave us the best of everything, many thanks.’ – Sue & Alan Smith – Canary Islands – Jan/April 2018

‘Giving us a feeling of adventure with the safety, security and leadership of GB Motorhome Tours. Their research is second to none, giving us the opportunity to see beautiful and varied places, and the meals included all being very well chosen.’ – Kay & John Lane– Canary Islands – Jan/April 2018

‘The carnivals/festivals were a sight to behold and we enjoyed them very much. It was so lovely to see all of the participants enjoying themselves as they danced or marched around throwing flowers at us all, it was infectious. The atmosphere was truly amazing and the whole tour was a perfect mix of visits with variety and interest to suit all people.’ Gill & John Kirk Cote d’Azur – Feb 2018

‘Another great GB Motorhome Tour – Interesting and Spectacular at the same time.  Great Tour Leaders who look after us very well.’ Dawn & Peter Waudby – Cote d’Azur – Feb 2018

‘Thank you Chris and Alan for another great tour, extremely well organised as always. We have thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to our next trip with GB Motorhome tours.’ Mike & Lavinia George – French Christmas Extravaganza – Dec 2017

‘A great trip to set the mood for Christmas. Good organisation and Epernay ‘Habits de Lumiere’ a must to see and the fireworks – WOW. A good group of people to travel with.’ Mo & Mike Valentine – French Christmas Extravaganza – Dec 2017

“A fantastic exploration of a part of the world we might not otherwise have ventured into without the expertise of our tour guides. Thank you!” Bridget Holmes and Paul Newbery – Romania & Bulgaria – Sept/Oct 2017

“A very interesting tour run by Kevin & Nurcan. Lots of memories of a very different life style, from tales of Dracula to Ladies singing & dancing” Sue and John Small – Romania & Bulgaria – Sept/Oct 2017

“Never eaten so well on a camping tour and thanks for all your help” Lesley and Patrick Robinson – Romania & Bulgaria – Sept/Oct 2017

A memorable mix – seeing some major sights plus an interesting insight into the lifestyles of the local people. A fascinating glimpse behind the former ‘Iron Curtain’” Ann & John Edwards – Romania & Bulgaria – Sept/Oct 2017

“A very well organised tour, Ron & Sue could not have done more to make the tour more interesting. As a solo member within the group, I was a little apprehensive at first booking with couples, but I should not have been as I was made welcome by all the other members of the group. I will have no hesitation in booking again with GB Motorhome Tours” David Angus – Berlin, Dresden & More – September 2017

“We have only travelled through Germany previously so this tour provided an insight into this lovely country, we would love to come back again. Thank you Ron & Sue, fellow travellers and GB Motorhome Tours for a great tour” John & Joan Gowling – Berlin, Dresden & More – September 2017

“Good Tour, excellent excursions, tour guides and group meals. Thank you Ron & Sue for your help” Sue & Roy Honeyball – Berlin, Dresden & More – September 2017

“Our first tour and we really enjoyed it.  Our Tour Directors Chris and Alan Douglas were welcoming, Informative and knowledgeable.  We are hoping to do another tour in the future.” Shirley & Brian Hodson – Swiss Magic – September 2017

“Everything about this trip was 5 Star from the start to the finish. We enjoyed the delights of the Bernese Alps, the Cog Railways, the Jungfrau Experience, the Walks and the Scenery and the leadership of Alan & Chris.  If anyone is thinking of this trip we can recommend it.” Will & Marg Saunders – Swiss Magic – September 2017

“As first timers with GB Motorhome Tours, we must say we thoroughly enjoyed the experience of the “Swiss Magic Tour”. This was enhanced by the Tour Leaders Chris and Alan who with their experience have the ability to create a friendly and inclusive atmosphere throughout the whole group, always seeming to give that little extra.” Linda & Alan Quinn – Swiss Magic – September 2017

“Another interesting and enjoyable trip. Many thanks to Sue and Eddie for their efforts in leading a successful tour” Carol and Stuart May – Rhine in Flames – September 2017

“A good tour with excellent leaders, wonderful food, wine and beer. Great locations along the way added to the enjoyment” Sue and Derek Davies – Rhine in Flames – September 2017

“Another sociable trip with GB Motorhome Tours, enjoyed the scenery and the company” Andy and Jackie Kitchin – Rhine in Flames – September 2017

“We highly recommend GB Motorhome Tours to anyone wishing to travel in a motorhome anywhere. They offer excellent tour arrangements – the ferry crossings, campsite bookings, guides and coach excursions and pre booked restaurant meals. All under the guidance of excellent, experienced, helpful and friendly tour leaders.” Mair & Nye Thomas – Discover Iceland August 2017

“Pure adventure, care and attention to detail, absolute value for money with no hidden extras. We are tired but exhilarated with a smile from ear to ear – thank you so much.” Shirley Berry & Barbara Hyndman – Discover Iceland August 2017

Iceland was all that we hoped for and more. The itinerary was perfect, the roads better than expected and our Tour Directors, Kevin & Nurcan, ensured everything ran like clockwork. Thank you.” Mary & Mike Porter – Discover Iceland August 2017

“Slovenia was amazing and we enjoyed its scenery and different lifestyle, nice excursions and guides” Pam & Tony Crowson – Sensational Slovenia 2017 – July 2017

“Many thanks to GBMT and to Ron & Sue in particular for making this trip so enjoyable and memorable” Pat & Roy Thomas – Italian Lakes and Gardens – June 2017

“As complete novices to motorhoming, we praise Ron & Sue for their patience, kindness and mentoring on this tour to Italy. We have experienced a very steep learning curve and can say that we loved every moment and cannot wait to do our next trip, which is booked” John & Adele Welsby – Italian Lakes and Gardens – June 2017

“Our first but surely not our last GB Tour.  Our hosts (Chris & Alan) certainly went the extra mile.  Well organised and planned to perfection.” John & Bea Lamkin – All About Alsace – June 2017

“Another great tour!  Enjoyable food and wines, sociable company and many interesting places we would not have visited on our own. All thanks to Chris and Alan’s expert guidance!” Ann & John Edwards – All About Alsace – June 2017

“Chris and Alan were excellent tour leaders! It was our first time driving in Europe and they gave us the confidence to do this type of holiday again. We met some lovely people and visited places that we would never of gone to on our own.” Jayne & Tony – All About Alsace – June 2017

‘Have just returned from our trip down the ‘Romantic Road’. We saw and visited many beautiful and interesting places and were very well looked after by our tour leaders Kevin and Nurcan. Nothing was too much trouble for them. Everything was well organised and the campsites were of a very high standard. We are looking forward to booking another trip in the future.’ Kate and Norman Allen – Romantic Strasse – May 2017

‘This was our first tour and we couldn’t have wished for a friendlier or more helpful couple to guide us on the Romantic Strasse Tour. For anyone out there considering booking a tour I wouldn’t hesitate, you will not be disappointed.’ Mel and Gail Hemingbrough – Romantic Strasse – May 2017

‘Travelling with GB Motorhome Tours isn’t only a holiday, it is also an adventure. The Spain and Portugal Tour was no exception with visits to inspirational places, delicious local meals and ending at an amazing high point of 1,000 metres at Fuente-De in the Picos de Europas’ – Peter & Sue Drake  – Undiscovered Spain & Portugal April/May 2017

‘Thank you, GB Motorhome Tours, for another amazing trip with Chris and Alan who were again excellent tour directors. Everything was extremely well organised and we saw and did so much and look forward to another tour with you in the future.’ –  Mike & Lavinia George – Undiscovered Spain & Portugal April/May 2017

Our first time in Spain & Portugal, and what an introduction! Well organised and supported. Many thanks although it may take a while to lose the weight gained!’ – Peter & Barbara Ball – Undiscovered Spain & Portugal April/May 2017

‘Thank you, Chris and Alan, for such a thoughtfully prepared tour. We appreciate all you have done to make sure we “discovered Spain & Portugal”. We are pleased we came!’ – Terry & Judy Langhorn – Undiscovered Spain & Portugal April/May 2017

‘As first timers we did not know what to expect of an escorted tour. Highlight followed highlight; campsites, group meals, excursions, local knowledge, ‘off the cuff’ ‘tips were all handled with the utmost efficiency. We would not hesitate to travel far afield again, in absolute confidence, with GB Motorhome Tours.’ –  Margaret & Joe Ratcliffe  – Greece April 2017

‘This Greece trip was our fourth, we saw a lot, learnt a lot, enjoyed a lot and laughed a lot. For newcomers to GB Motorhome Tours – once you have tried one you will want to do more! On this tour most people were booking next years tours before they fill up’ – Tom & Eileen Reston – Greece April 2017

‘A stunning well paced itinerary. Our third trip with GB Motorhome Tours – their research is second to none.’ – Liz & Dave Nayler – Greece April 2017

‘Spectacular mountains and wonderful scenic roads, lovely beaches and flowers, simple food & friendly people. Great time of year to visit. Excellent tour thanks to GB Motorhome Tours and Kevin & Nurcan’ – Joan & John Gowling – Greece April 2017

‘We have had a wonderful time, everything was very well organised and nothing was too much trouble for our hosts Sue & Ron. We met some lovely people in the group and have some very happy memories. We would certainly use GB Motorhome Tours again’ – Jean & Les Horrell – Magic of Christmas December 2016 

‘Had a great time on our first escorted tour, Ron & Sue were great hosts, there if you needed them. Very well organised tour and we are looking forward to our next GB Motorhome Tour which is already booked’ – Karen & John Cothliff – Magic of Christmas December 2016 

‘This tour included many excursions and also extra suggestions from Kevin & Nurcan of what we might like to see in the areas being visited. We were given all the information we needed to get out and about on our free days. Our thanks go to Kevin & Nurcan who went over and above to make sure we enjoyed our holiday.’ Gill & John Kirk – Sicily September & October 2016 

‘This is a great tour showing all of Sicilian life. The local tour guides were excellent on all excursions. Nurcan and Kevin are great leaders.’ Sue & John Small – Sicily September & October 2016 

‘Thanks for giving us such a varied holiday. Sicily has been on our wish list and the east & north coasts exceeded expectations. Also many thanks for arranging the special diet at all group meals, which was good every time’ Barbara & Pete Ball – Sicily September & October 2016

‘Thank you for a great tour, we thoroughly enjoyed it and it exceeded our expectations – we saw and did so much. Chris and Alan our tour directors were excellent with extremely well organised excursions. They could not have been more helpful throughout the trip and we look forward to travelling with GB Motorhome Tours again in 2017.’ Mike & Lavinia George – Czech, Slovakia & Hungary September 2016 

‘Great tour with a varied itinerary and lots of interesting different days. Would recommend anyone to book. Alan & Chris very professional, knowledgeable and helpful and great company.’ Ken & Rita Hallett – Czech, Slovakia & Hungary September 2016

‘We think all GBMT’s leaders are excellent.’ Geoff & Margaret Cotton – Czech, Slovakia & Hungary September 2016

An excellent well balanced trip, combining organised visits with free days in-between to continue exploring the locality or resting and enjoying the sites facilities’ Carol & Lou Barker – Croatia September 2016

‘We have so enjoyed other GB Motorhome Tours trip what a difference it makes to have all the arrangements made for you, wonderful excursions & marvellous meals! A huge thank you, Sue & Ron for being so friendly, helpful and such good company, we shall miss you!’ Christine & Meurig Watts – Croatia September 2016

A very interesting and varied tour packed full of excursions and group meals. Many thanks Sue & Ron for leading us on another wonderful trip’ Carol & Stuart May – Croatia September 2016

‘This was a very enjoyable tour with very interesting places to visit. We also had good food, wonderful weather and great company. Would strongly recommend this trip to anyone who wishes to know more about Bavaria and enjoys Alpine scenery.  Eileen & Tom Reston – Beautiful Bavaria September 2016

‘We were the “newcomers” on this tour with everyone else having been on previous GB Tours, we have been missing out for years!! We had a great “first” trip with you , and were impressed by your organisation and great value for money.’ Stuart & Moyra Hirst – Beautiful Bavaria September 2016

This was our 6th tour and certainly one of the best. Fantastic scenery plenty to see with excellent leaders and fellow motorhomers.’ Iain & Sue Munro – Beautiful Bavaria September 2016

‘The trip to Poland was our first GB Tour: a very positive experience. We wouldn’t have seen so much without the thorough planning and research of our Tour Directors Sue and Ron. Our second GB Tour has already been booked.’ Claire & Derek Garston – Poland July 2016

‘We very much enjoyed this trip. The company was good and we learned so much about Poland.’ Sue & Derek Davies – Poland July 2016

‘Our Tour Leaders Sue and Ron were the consummate professionals and looked after everyone’s needs at all times. Well organised and most enjoyable tour with some fantastic places and trips, really worth coming, really glad we booked.’ Steven and Ros Lewis – Poland July 2016

‘A great cultural journey around Poland. Thanks GB Motorhome Tours for a fantastic trip.’ Margaret & Tony Clement – Poland July 2016

‘We loved every minute of this tour.  Alan & Chris are outstanding leaders & hosts – unobtrusively hard working, over and above the call of duty, kind, generous and fun to be with.  We positively liked the inclusion of a large number of high quality meals.’  Leigh & Annabel Darnton – La Belle France July 2016

‘We have been on several tours with three different leaders who have all been very good and ensured everyone enjoyed their holiday.  We are looking forward to our next tour with GB Motorhome Tours Ltd.’ Graham & June Perkins – La Belle France July 2016

‘Set in a beautiful area the tour allows you enjoy the local culture, history and food.  Chris and Alan go the “extra mile” to ensure your enjoyment’ Paul & Sue Denton – La Belle France July 2016

‘Yet another wonderful tour. Great to see you both again and to experience the Chris and Alan magic. I look forward to many more of the same.’ Tony Barker – La Belle France July 2016

‘Our first tour with GB was great. Their excellent planning created a stress free holiday with carefully selected sites, superb meals and knowledgeable local tour guides. The excellent leadership of Joan & Martin together with the good company of our travelling companions resulted in a fantastic value for money holiday. Looking forward to the next time’ Joan and John Gowling – Historic Cities of Italy June 2016

‘Just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed the Italian Cities with Martin and Joan. As usual their friendliness and organisation made the holiday. Their choice of food and wine were fantastic. Looking forward to our next trip.’ Terry & Sue FitzgeraldHistoric Cities of Italy June 2016

‘GB Motorhome Tours take you to places that would be very difficult for you to explore on your own, with meticulous planning, use of local guides and careful selection of restaurants and campsites, we enjoyed a stress free, friendly and interesting holiday. We are already planning our next trip with them!’ Mike & Penny Summers – Historic Cities of Italy June 2016

‘Delightful tour visiting many interesting places with several opportunities to sample local delicacies while meandering gently along the Mosel and Rhine in good company’ Peter & Sue Drake – Rhine & Mosel May 2016

‘A thoroughly enjoyable experience, Tour Directors were excellent going above and beyond expectations – looking forward to our next GB Motorhome Tours holiday.’ Ian and Lorna Nicol – Rhine & Mosel May 2016

‘Tour Directors Alan & Chris organised an interesting and fun tour for our super group of 11 motorhomes. All you motor homers sitting at home thinking – Stop thinking, Start booking and Enjoy.’ Peter and Alice Garioch – Rhine & Mosel May 2016

‘Ron and Sue our leaders made the outings to Amsterdam, Delft and Keukenhof Gardens a totally relaxing experience. The tour was perfect and we ended the week entirely refreshed and full of delightful memories’ Susan and Peter Drake, Spring into Holland – May 2016

‘Our excellent tour leaders Ron & Sue arranged everything perfectly, even the weather. Our best tour yet, we eagerly look forward to our next tour with GB motorhome Tours’ Judith & Richard Gembarski, Spring into Holland – May 2016

‘Would not have thought it possible to take the motorhome to the Canary Islands but GB Motorhome Tours made it happen’ Carolyn & Roger Metcalfe Canary Islands Jan – March 2016

‘The tour was well thought out and we saw a bit of everything, enjoyed every minute’ Bob & Wendy Usher , Canary Islands Jan – March 2016

‘The tour was everything we expected of GB Motorhome Tours. Plenty of sites to see, the group meals were excellent & of high quality. We recommend this holiday.’ Barbara & Kevin Dickin, Canary Islands Jan – March 2016

‘With warm, sunny days and cool nights this trip was an excellent way of avoiding the British winter. We were shown both sides of the Canaries – tourist beaches and unspoilt mountain areas, with the option to camp high in the mountains of Gran Canaria absolutely superb. A good mixture of relaxation and exploration – well done GB Motorhome Tours’  Marian & Derek Wall, Canary Islands Jan – March 2016

‘Having toured with other organisation, we can highly recommend GB Motorhome Tours. Martin & Joan were great fun to holiday with and held a good balance between friendliness and professionalism’ Liz & Steve Clarke, Cote D’Azur February 2016